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How Do I Book An Appointment With...?

...With Tattoo Artists -

All artists serve on a first com first serve basis for walkins, but to make an appointment your piece must be larger then 6 inches. Appointment bookings must be made in person with the artist so you can have a live consult with them. Be sure to prepare $100 for the deposit of your appointment and come with any reference images. 


...With Piercers -

The shop does not book appointments for piercings; they are first come, first served. If you’d like to book an appointment for a piercing, you can message the piercer you’d like to see through Instagram. You can also dm them any questions you have about your piercings.


Please note that all tattoo appointments must be made in person.t conversation with the artist and leave a deposit before finalizing your booking. We kindly ask for your unders This allows you to have a directanding that we are unable to book appointments over the phone.

how do i book an appointment with...?: News
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